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Business Tendency Survey - March 2024

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You will need the unique reference number that was sent to you by Statistics Jersey to access the survey (e.g. 12AB34).

This survey is to ideally be completed by the Chief Executive or Managing Director. All answers should refer to the local Jersey-based unit of your organisation, not the performance of its international operations.

Your information is protected under the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018. The information you provide is confidential and will only be used to produce aggregate official statistics. Individual company information supplied will not be passed to any government departments or third party.

Use the next and back buttons on the form rather than on your web browser. You can pause the survey and save your progress at any point by using the 'save and continue' button at the top right of each page; you will be asked for an email address and will be sent a link to continue completing the survey at a later time. The survey will only be submitted when you click on the submit button on the final page. Once submitted, you will be able to download and print your responses from the final page of the survey.

For more information about the survey, see our main Business Tendency Survey page. If you have any queries contact Statistics Jersey on +44 (0)1534 445956 or email
Enter your reference code as the password below (use capital letters):